Meet The Team of the Strauss project
While others meet for a good beer late at night, our first meeting was at a Strauss concert. For all the inspiration his music has given us, we decided to name our project after him.
“Ideas, like young wine, should be put in storage and taken up again only after they have been allowed to ferment and to ripen”
- Richard Strauss
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”
- Victor Hugo

Bartul Kovacic
C expert & cluster expert 1
Our expert in C who process the large amounts of data of the YouNiverse dataset
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Armelle Hours
Toxicity expert 1
Study the toxicity of the comments in far-right channels
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Anya-Aurore Mauron
Toxicity expert 2
Study the toxicity of the comments in far-right channels
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Ariane Priou
Website creator & cluster expert 2
Creator of the website and study of the clustering
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